Monday, May 2, 2011

Why I shouldn't be stressed about my stressful list.

So, normally I don't get stressed. It's one of the perks of being me. I take things day by day. Conquering tasks one by one, just waiting for that next time when I can just chill with people. However, this week has gotten the best of me. By all means, it shouldn't have. Yes, I have the most work due this week, and the most extra-curricular work to do as well. Let me outline it for you.

4 exams: Spanish Competency, Christian Thought (basically an intro to theology class), Abnormal Psychology, and Cognition.

24 Travel Folders for YHM to assemble: these have roughly 30-40 pages a piece and are specific by person.

1 Mega travel binder to assemble.

Several couches to find new homes for.

An apartment to clean, pack up, and move out of.

A new OCO leadership meeting to attend.

The continued search for the elusive 6th and final cabinet member I need for next year.

As well as many goodbyes to say as my senior friends transition into a new stage of life, and as I go away from my girlfriend, roommates, and friends for the next 3 months.

All that being said, it doesn't sound like that much actually. SO I'm going to stop complaining. I could have it much worse. I am so blessed to be at this awesome college that pushes me to do my best and to always be considering how I am living my life. I have a supportive family who loves me. I live in a country where I am not persecuted for my faith but have amazing opportunities to serve and love those around me. I have been to Europe in the past year, and am headed to the Middle East in mere weeks. So why am I so self-absorbed and stressed?

It's cliche, but let's blame it on the fall. I am a man. And thus, I am fallen and can't see past myself to the glory that God has put around me. Thankfully, Jesus died on the cross for me, was raised from the grave (not by any magic or mankind miracle medicine), ascended to heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to help me get over myself. (Actually, "thankfully" seems trite and wholly insufficient for this particular emotion. However, my mind is shot, so I am going to depend on God's omniscience to understand what I mean.) That being said, the Holy Spirit has gifted me for a life of service. Add this gifting to the talents and personality which God has given me and I end with the question: How do I use my personality and gifting to live this life of service thoroughly ? Well, I could be a counselor. I could teach. I could help the mentally disabled. There are any number of things that I could do. But, in order to fully pursue a career in most of them, a college degree of some sort is required. So I should take this week, the blessing of education and friendship (aka college), and revel in the blessings God has given me.

Hopefully by doing this, I will take a difficult week and at least see it as a growing experience if not something to be enjoyed. I would encourage you to do the same.

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